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Monday, November 19, 2012

Pollinators homes created for Love Mary Day

Glenda and Juanita have experimented with some Bamboo donated by Steve Walked to create prototypes for the pollinators homes.

"We used garden saws to cut the bamboo to size, and secateurs for the smaller pieces.  We used an electric drill to make holes in either end of the large bamboo, to take wire threaded through to make a hanger.  We found a chisel worked well to remove the internal 'wall' of the bamboo to make it an open tube, and smoothed off the inside with a large file.  Then simply cut smaller pieces to length and fitted them into the tube until no more would fit, and they didn't fall out. 
We did another type, using plumbers pipe, and although I'm sure the insects and solitary bees wouldn't mind them, we feel they look a bit less wonderful than our first one." 
We've invited local school, Glendyne, to be part of this project and Love Mary day.